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- Joseph J. Bailey
Legacy of the Blade: The Complete Trilogy Page 10
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Page 10
I was facing a minor undead horde.
Although to my eyes, the force arrayed before me was anything but minor.
Preparing myself for combat, I retched.
Feeling much better and almost combat ready, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, glad that at least one unfortunate inevitable event in the upcoming confrontation was out of the way.
The undead, however, were the least of my worries.
Binding the broken figures together in a viscous, tarry haze was an unholy eidolon of despair. The thing sucked in the life force of the living and trapped it within its hellish folds. From this distance, the animated corpses appeared to emanate from within the fiendish haze of the creature, their bodies weaving through a sticky, cloying fog.
I knew better, feeling the reality to my core.
That hungry, flowing mass was the demon that barred my passage.
It hunted here on the roadway, killing any who tried to approach the city for safety or succor, staying far enough away to avoid reprisal and choosing to act only on those victims weak enough to add to its strength. In time, perhaps with enough unfortunate innocents caught in its web, the demon would grow strong enough to assault the very city itself with an army of undead.
I did not know for certain, but I could guess.
All I knew was that this thing was in my way.
It would not let me leave.
And I had already vomited.
Alric’s voice was a low whisper. “’Ware the infernal cloud, Saedeus.
“Let Loer’allon shield you from the grasping demonic tendrils and the Ysigoth’s magic will not ensnare you.”
Drawing Loer’allon from her scabbard with a faint ringing chime as her luminous blade vibrated resonantly against the case, I prepared to cut the strings of the puppet master holding the gathered tormented souls in thrall.
I charged.
To be clear, I had no intention of rushing headlong into the milling throngs of waiting undead.
I would be torn apart.
Even if I were the world’s greatest swordsman, I would probably still be slashed to ribbons.
Without true magical skill or enchantments to shield me, I would be skewered and sliced like the main course at a harvest festival.
The demon, however, did not have to know that.
But I did.
Which is why I did not exactly run at full speed.
The hill was, after all, rather steep.
And I was not exactly in tourney shape.
Lucius, on the other hand, was not slowed by the grade.
Nor was he encumbered by armor or the weight of a large, cumbersome body.
Or a fear-laden consciousness that dragged with a decidedly heavy weight.
In fact, I think incoming meteorites consulted with him on descent vectors and velocities.
The zombies had skipped that consultation.
They were not, however, immune to the impacts of a magical object moving with the speed of an interstellar body entering Uërth’s orbit.
The road ahead got very messy, very quickly.
Suffice it to say that the horrific demonic pall was not the only mist clouding the air.
Loer’allon shrouded my body in shimmering white light as I ran forward, what I liked to think of as my anti-demon zone.
By the time I reached the frenzied mass of limbs, swords, maces, and shields that was the undead horde, all the frenzy was gone.
There were just parts…lots of parts.
The demon, however, was rather agitated.
It surged and crested over the holy nimbus protecting me in an inky tidal wave, devouring all light and sense of place. I could only see the space defined by Loer’allon’s shield, a region of uninteresting dirt encompassing about one step forward and one step backward.
Swinging wildly, that is to say with supreme skill and pinpoint accuracy, I tore ragged gaps through the demonic essence, rending its black heart apart. Each of Loer’allon’s strikes shriveled the demonic darkness ever smaller, burning off entire sloughs of the fell entity like sheets of paper before an open flame.
I did not wish to touch that amorphous extradimensional mass in any way for fear of taking some of it into myself.
Although Lucius proved somewhat ineffectual against the demon itself, his rapid strikes merely punching holes through the thing’s vile shroud, those numerous strikes began to take their toll over time as the demon was literally torn to shreds by Lucius’s whirling blows and then burnt away in heavenly light by Loer’allon.
By the time I was done flailing the air, cleansing the last of the demonic taint that Lucius helped me corral in place, I was sweating so profusely that I could barely keep my eyes open without blinking.
Wiping the stinging salt from my eyes as I threaded my way from the mangled mass of bodies beneath my feet, I caught my foot on the edge of a shield.
The last thing I remember was the ground hurtling up to meet me as I fell awkwardly face first toward a large wooden cudgel.
My head throbbed.
My eyes were encrusted shut and refused to open.
I tried swallowing, but my mouth and throat were a vast desert that had not seen moisture in decades.
I smelled of rot, vomit, and decay.
I heard the buzzing of flies.
Finally managing to open my eyes, I saw that my head was crammed between a dead man’s armpit and a rusty, discarded helm.
The flies swirled around me lovingly, caressing my skin gently before rising in the air in an adulatory hymn, worshipping a fallen god.
Another day in the life of one of Uërth’s mightiest heroes.
Lucius regarded me from his stoic perch atop my chest.
He was absolutely spotless.
“Thanks for looking out for me,” I croaked.
His stony regard remained unwavering.
“I know,” I finally managed. “It is rather embarrassing.”
He agreed.
He did not approve of my passing out.
“On the bright side, I seem to be pretty good at losing consciousness.
“And you make up for the utter inanity of my martial displays with yours.”
His scowl turned rather smug.
I gave a lopsided grin. “Stop gloating and get back in your pocket.”
He did.
I patted his pocket with one aching arm. “And thanks for looking out for me while I was out.”
Lucius snuggled close in his approximation of a hug.
If I weren’t all alone in a tangled mass of rotting corpses, I might have been embarrassed. As it was, I could use a hug.
Just don’t tell anyone.
Loer’allon remained cradled in my palm, her lambent glow offering sanctuary from any more roving demons.
“Thank you as well,” I said, “for keeping me alive and watching me while I was down.”
After a moment’s reflection as I struggled to extricate myself from the bodies and get up despite the pain, I asked, “Why didn’t you heal me?”
Alric responded for her. “After this latest loss of consciousness, I felt a reminder of what happens when you make mistakes was in order.”
As if smelling like death and bathing in it were not bad enough.
“Thanks,” I grumbled.
I managed to get my feet under me, then gingerly picked my way out of the field of carnage.
Each slurping step took me past another horror.
Covered in blood, ichor, and other fluids that I decided were in my best interests not to consider further, I was not in much better shape.
I wanted a bath.
The heavenly city at the valley’s bottom shimmered invitingly.
My quest had a new destination.
The city was farther away than it looked.
Just as I smelled worse than I looked.
“I would not agree with that asses
I snorted dismissively at Alric’s weak jest.
He was not the one who had to live with the stench.
His body was not covered in dried blood that even vigorous scrubbing with copious amounts of dirt would not remove.
And there was plenty of bare earth here to try with, believe me.
As lush and rich as the city ahead was—Alric called it Theuron—the land outside Theuron’s aegis was equally desolate.
The demons had razed the land as much to keep the people inside Theuron’s walls as to kill them off.
By the time I reached Theuron’s resplendent dome, my cloud of flies had grown into a barbarous, worshipful horde.
Two guards were waiting for me on the other side of the wall of magical force.
They looked like angels...or at least what I thought angels would look like if they had not all been killed by demons. They wore lambent plate that appeared to be made more of light and arcane energies than any form of physical protection I recognized. Although not Angel Swords, each held a glowing blade imbued with great power.
Rising up behind them, their roofs and minarets hazy and indistinct as though seen underwater or through a thick heat haze, the otherworldly spires of Theuron were hinted at but not quite visible.
The buildings of Theuron and the guards’ armor were of a kind.
“Please state your reason for visiting the fair city of Theuron.”
The welcome was firm and decidedly uninviting.
I thought my need was rather obvious. “I would like a bath.”
One of the guards gestured without making a sound.
The sky opened up immediately around me, the stinging drops of a powerful monsoon hammering into my exposed skin as I ducked my head in surprise at the onslaught of chill water.
When the rains stopped, I was surprisingly clean...if soaked.
“Do you have any other needs, traveler?”
“A towel?”
With another gesture, a swirling wall of wind engulfed me, whipping my clothing and hair in furious gusts.
When the gale stopped, I was completely dry if a bit wind-chapped.
“Anything else?” asked the second guard.
I was afraid to make another request.
After a moment’s pause, I offered hesitantly, “A horse?”
A small toy wooden horse appeared at my feet.
I got the impression I was not wanted.
“What’s this?”
“The only horse you’ll get here.”
The guards oozed civility.
My kind of people.
“How about a place to sleep for the night?”
Before one of the guards could gesture and summon a tent, lean-to, or a pile of stones for me to stack, all delivered conveniently on top of my head, I added quickly, “In an inn.
“I would also like to purchase some supplies and warm food as well.”
The right-hand guard—I named him Chuckles—squinted at me, taking my measure. “You have the looks of the demon about you.”
His friend, aptly named, at least in my world, Smiley, grimaced. “Agreed.”
“I should. I’ve killed my fair share, including the Ysigoth that was building an undead army on the outskirts of your valley. The same demon that was intercepting anyone it could approaching the fine walls of your fair city.”
The looks in their eyes changed quickly from disdain to consideration.
“We will assess the accuracy of your words.”
I waved backward nonchalantly. “Follow the flies. The bodies are over the hill.”
Both guards vanished.
They were true masters of Craft!
Which made me wonder why they had not teleported out before and killed the demon when its ravages had claimed so many.
Both reappeared within minutes.
I no longer wanted to go into their fair city.
“We would be honored to have you among us, citizen.”
“You know,” I said, “I think I’ll pass.”
I turned and began walking around the perimeter of the glorious city of Theuron.
I’d rather sleep outside on the dirt.
“That was bravely done, Saedeus.”
Alric’s voice was grave. “There are men every bit as evil as demons.”
He paused for a moment before continuing. “Whether they realize it or not.”
I did not want their city or their hospitality. I was certain that not everyone in Theuron had fallen under a pall of darkness. Like me, they were doing what they must, or felt they must, to survive.
But their keepers’ hearts were not as fair as their city.
I wanted none of it.
After all I had been through, the thought that men refused to help other men sickened me. That was a poison of which I did not wish to partake.
I wished them no ill will.
I hoped Theuron’s walls held.
I hoped that the hearts within did as well.
Several days southward along the river saw me in lands even more sere and desolate than those around Theuron.
The city appeared to have been cast off from a sea of spoliation, a remnant of dreams lost and long forgotten.
How distant Balde and its lush woods now felt.
If not for the stubborn river Adros whose banks had traversed this land for millennia uncounted, I do not know how I would have survived. As it was, the river grew narrower by the day, the denuded landscape a scalding boilerplate sapping the will from the land and its water.
I scurried along the banks like a crab refusing to venture far from shelter, trying to stay out of sight and unnoticed, ready to scurry back into my bunker at the slightest sign of danger.
Although Alric assured me my skill in arcana was progressing nicely, largely due to my dogged refusal to admit defeat, I still could not hide myself from my own eyes, much less the preternatural senses of a demon.
Could I be that blind?
Or stupid?
I did not need to answer those questions.
I envisaged the concealment spell Alric had shown me just the day before, working to spread my essence as thinly as possible across my immediate environs, blending those energies distinctly my own with those intrinsic to the land.
With each breath, I pushed the magical energies representing my etheric self farther out, spreading them evenly in all directions.
I could still see myself.
I could see my corporeal manifestation as well as my energetic body.
Nothing had changed.
But would it?
I could see the essential with my mind’s eye. Would I no longer be able to do that if the spell were properly cast?
With most concealment spells, the enchantment worked on others, not the caster.
If the spell worked, would I no longer be able to see myself?
In fact, how would I know whether the spell worked at all without anyone to tell me?
I was a fool...not that this was a new insight.
I was constantly amazed by my ability to forget this fact, however.
Glancing upon the lazy, golden, sunlit waters of Adros, I gazed downward through the shallows to the river’s lustrous sandy bottom and upward to the depthless blue skies reflected above.
I was nowhere to be seen!
I awarded myself a Saedeus Award for Genius then and there, one of many honoring the boundless depths of my intelligence. I bore my many SAGs proudly, each one denoting the continued decline of anything remotely resembling intellectual capacity within my sad little mind.
“Alric,” I barked, “why didn’t you tell me the spell worked?”
Alric’s voice within my mind was far too chipper. “I knew you would figure it out eventually.
“Part of learning to work with magic is coming to understand its causes and effects, its expressions and ramifications.
“So I was letting you learn.
u are, after all, your own best teacher.
“Were you in danger, I would have let you know. As events stood, however, you have cast that spell several times and have remained under its protection since you first learned yesterday.”
Before I could snarl a retort, he added, “A warrior must always remain vigilant. By keeping silent, I let your practice continue.”
I hated Alric for making me a better person.
I really and truly did.
Except that it kept me alive, so I did not hate it too much.
But I could dislike it a tad.
Nightmares spiraled overhead, the shadows of their misshapen forms flitting across the landscape in pools of vile, polluting fluids. Flying within palls of oozing Darkness, covered in writhing tentacles and unknowable appendages, with deformed bodies shaped by the demonic forces of the deepest hells, shorn and cast down from the highest ideals of Light and beauty, Uërth’s end savored the world’s demise.
I did not want to imagine why the demons scoured the skies like carrion birds searching for carcasses, for I already knew the answer.
My stomach sank and my heart lurched in fear with the knowledge.
The demons were looking for food, for souls to harvest, for lives to reap and destroy.
The demons were looking for stragglers, for survivors, for those humans who had not yet been culled or found safety.
The demons were looking for me.
Even from afar, I could sense their insatiable, sickening pull on Uërth’s essence, each a darkling void onto utter night.
Only with reflection did I realize the true scale of those demonic presences. Although the infernals appeared of a size with birds flying through the sky, they were, in fact, much higher, much farther away.
If I had to guess, and my mind was filled with guesses, I would estimate these creatures were roughly the size of dragons…perhaps not a mature wyrm whose mighty maw could swallow horses whole but a dragon nonetheless.